Cardi Health Survey Shows That Almost 75% of Respondents With High Blood Pressure Have Family Members With the Same Condition

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2 min read Updated on September 18, 2023

Cardi Health, a digital cardiovascular health solution for managing and preventing heart diseases, has published a report indicating that nearly 75% of its users with hypertension also have it running in their families. This is consistent with current knowledge about the role of a genetic component in hypertension.

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In the Cardi Health survey, participants were asked if their parents or grandparents had high blood pressure. 74.74% of respondents said yes, 14.98% were not sure, and 10.28% said they had no family members with high blood pressure.

These data add to the current knowledge that heart disease is not an isolated event but can be passed on from generation to generation due to genetics, socioeconomic background, lifestyle, or habits.

The high number of people with familial hypertension suggests that the majority of participants had some degree of family history of heart disease.

In clinical practice, we often find that the family medical history is one of the factors when it comes to cardiovascular diseases, even more so than the already known causes like low physical activity, poor diet, harmful habits, and high cholesterol. It is believed that there is a link between inherited and unmanaged conditions leading to fatalities.

CDC reports that nearly 1 in 2 adults in America has high blood pressure, but only 1 in 4 has it under control. Many people have never had a heart checkup. They may assume that if they haven’t had any major cardiac events, they are free of any potential complications or conditions related to cardiovascular health.

Regular screening has never been more important for detecting, preventing, and resolving any cardiovascular issues.

We’re noticing that more and more young people who suffer from arterial hypertension, stroke, heart attack, or other cardiovascular diseases have a positive family history of heart disease.

Heart conditions can be managed by making healthier lifestyle choices, eating well, being active, and improving your mental state.

Cardi Health is at the forefront of a movement to empower people to take control of their health from the comfort of their own homes.

The company offers an app that helps track blood pressure, cholesterol, medication use, weight, and other aspects of health. The app encourages patients to manage their heart health, identify their symptoms, and improve their lifestyle by providing a personalized diet and exercise plan.

The app collects data from a smart blood pressure monitor to ensure that users can easily monitor their condition over time. All users receive a personalized action plan with guidance and steps to take to improve their health.

Technology has become an essential part of our everyday lives. We can assist our patients in eating healthier, increasing their physical activity, reminding them of necessary medical appointments, monitoring their health indicators, and making the right clinical decisions on time.

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Robertas Pranevicius, MD, Interventional Cardiologist at Cardi Health.

About Cardi Health

Cardi Health is a digital solution for managing and preventing cardiovascular diseases. Comprised of the Cardi Health app, BP monitor, and Smart Scales, the company offers round-the-clock heart health support.

Cardi Health is a member of the American Heart Association and part of the Kilo Health group.

Find Cardi Health at or contact the team at [email protected].

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Robertas Pranevicius is a medical advisor at Cardi Health who earned his Master’s degree and cardiology residency from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. He specializes in interventional cardiology and performs both diagnostic and therapeutic invasive procedures. In recent years, he has focused on structural heart disease treatment, such as transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI).

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