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Maintain cardiac wellness with the Heart Health diet

Start your Heart Health diet plan and take control of your blood pressure one meal at a time.

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Meal section on the Cardi Health app

Inside the personalized Heart Health diet app

Create a healthy diet made for your needs, based on your readings.

Personalized DASH diet plan

Get a customized plan based on your body's unique needs.

Track health data in one place

Track your heart rate, blood pressure, and other important metrics.

Personalized DASH diet plan

Get a customized plan based on your body's unique needs.

Track health data in one place

Track your heart rate, blood pressure, and other important metrics.

An activity plan made for you

Get personalized activity recommendations based on your health and goals.

Personalized DASH diet plan

Get a customized plan based on your body's unique needs.

Convenient reports

Stay healthy and understand your health status with intuitive, downloadable reports.

Personalized DASH diet plan

Get a customized plan based on your body's unique needs.

Vital reminders

Get notified when it’s time to take your medication, update your readings, and more.

Personalized DASH diet plan

Get a customized plan based on your body's unique needs.

Vital reminders

Get notified when it’s time to take your medication, update your readings, and more.

Privacy first

Cardi Health keeps your health data safe, so you can share it only with the people you trust.

Personalized DASH diet plan

Get a customized plan based on your body's unique needs.

Personalized Heart Health diet plan

Get a customized plan based on your body's unique needs.

Track health data in one place

Track your heart rate, blood pressure, and other important metrics.

Activity plan made for you

Get personalized activity recommendations based on your health and goals.
Iphone screen

Health reports

Stay healthy and understand your health status with downloadable reports.

Vital reminders

Get notified when it’s time to take your medication, update your readings, and more.

Privacy first

Cardi Health keeps your health data safe, so you can share it only with the people you trust.
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Beyond the Heart Health diet: A solution for all things health

Living in a healthy way is not only about your eating habits – it’s about understanding your body and its needs.

Using Cardi Health app during a doctor's appointment

Understand what’s going on in your heart

Track your health trends and get notified of any significant changes.

Improve your eating habits

Make healthy changes easier – from starting a tailored Heart Health diet to creating your own exercise routine.

Make your overall health a priority

Whether to lose weight or lower hypertension, professionals are here to help you.

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How Cardi Health works?

Turn your heart health data into an actionable plan. Learn how we can make the Heart Health diet work for your goals and needs together.

Begin your heart health journey today

Start lowering hypertension or begin your weight loss journey in just 3 steps.

Get the Cardi Health app

Download the app from the App Store or Google Play.

Test your health with a short quiz

In a few minutes, we’ll gather all the information we need to create your personal plan.

Start living your healthiest life

Set your goals for a healthier tomorrow and get help along the way.
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Woman showing her grandchild how Cardi Health app works

Heart Health diet app approved by doctors

"Self-monitoring is one of the major contributors to successful blood pressure management."

Dr. Robert Pranevicius, Medical Advisor for Cardiovascular Disease Management at Cardi Health.

Verified user
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Cardi Health is developed by Kilo Health, a member of the Innovators’ Network of the American Heart Association’s Center for Health Technology and Innovation.


Reviews of the Heart Health diet app

Iris Hoffman
Iris Hoffman
Verified user
"My BP is now 118/64. The Cardi Health care kit helps me to feel as though I’m in control."
E. Sargent
E. Sargent
Verified user
"My blood pressure... Let's just say me and my doctor are on a break."
Eloise Bates
Eloise Bates
Verified user
"I went to pre-hypertensive state in less than a month. Simply by using a blood pressure monitor."
Jaden Cook
Jaden Cook
Verified user
"I've broken through a weight loss plateau, balanced my blood sugar, and dropped my diastolic bp number."
Kay Morales
Kay Morales
Verified user
"I'm losing weight, feeling better, and my blood pressure hasn't been this low in years!"
Brad Helpert
Brad Helpert
Verified user
“This is the first time in a long time that I feel like myself again, my family loves it.”


Be the leading expert on your heart health

Get the guidance you need to lead a healthier life today.
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© 2024 Cardi Health. All rights reserved.
Cardi Health's website, app, products, and other services are meant to provide users the tools to help facilitate healthy heart habits and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Cardi Health is NOT a health care or medical device provider, and the information we provide should not be substituted for medical advice. Please consult your physician or other health care provider in order to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition